About our Program

CrimeStoppers Honolulu - CrimeStoppers Honolulu, Inc was formed in February 1981 as a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporation.  It is governed by an unpaid volunteer Board of Directors .  The Board is diverse and made up of retired police officials, business leaders, professional experts and community members. The Board gives freely of their time because they believe this program makes a difference in creating a safer community.

The program operates in partnership with the Honolulu Police Department, the media, and the community.  We strive to support a network all working to reduce crime and improve the quality of life in our community.
A dedicated group of volunteers help to take phone calls from the community.  Information can also be reported to us through a similar automated process over the internet with the Web Tips form, or from smartphones via the P3 mobile application.

Student CrimeStoppers - We created Student CrimeStoppers to expand our community outreach in March 1997.  This program aids law enforcement and school officials in reducing criminal activity and related problems in schools, on school grounds, and in the nearby communities.  We have responded to situations involving the possession of illegal drugs and weapons, and destruction of property.  We work to make our schools a safer place for our children.

Animal CrimeStoppers - We created Animal CrimeStoppers in partnership with the Hawaiian Humane Society in 2001.  We believe there is a correlation between violence against animals and potential violence toward people.  We work together with the Hawaiian Humane Society on calls regarding cruelty and mistreatment of animals, because animals depend on humans for their well-being.  The focus of this program is to educate the public about animal cruelty as well as to identify, investigate and arrest offenders through the use of anonymous tips.

Mission Statement

The mission of Crime Stoppers Honolulu, Inc. is to make the City and County of Honolulu a safer place by encouraging anonymous information reporting from the community, to assist law enforcement in solving crimes.

Who is Involved

Edmund Ho      HPD Coordinator
Glenda Cabras      HPD Coordinator's Assistant
Sanj Sappal      President
Deborah Sharkey      Vice President
Jason White      Secretary
Jon Nakamoto      Treasurer
R. Doug Aton      Board Member
Marvin Buenconsejo      Board Member
Victoria Chang-Nakayama      Board Member
Julie Char      Board Member
Eric Clark      Board Member
John Cummings III      Board Member
Jim Harrow      Board Member
Yvette Lee Nakashima      Board Member
Linda Martell      Board Member
Rene Matsuura      Board Member
Nikkirae Padilla      Board Member
Tracy Tsuhako      Board Member
Tina Yamaki      Board Member
Gary Yanagihara      Board Member

Governance and Oversight

Crime Stoppers Honolulu, Inc. is governed by its Board of Directors, made up of unpaid volunteers.  Crime Stoppers Honolulu, Inc. does not pay a salary or any other form of compensation to its Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors hold monthly meetings to review the program's operations. 

The Board of Directors has also implemented policies related to appropriate conduct, conflicts of interest, whistleblower, and document retention.  Directors are prohibited from using the program for political activities, and are also prohibited from conducting transactions that would result in a conflict of interest.


We are a nonprofit corporation and rely on donations and fundraising to finance our operations.  Your donations are important, and we deeply appreciate your support.

All donations received by Crime Stoppers Honolulu, Inc. are spent for the benefit of the community.  In our most recent fiscal year 92 percent of our expenditures were spent on program activities (i.e. operations).  Program activities include paying out tip reward payments, operating our tip messaging service, promoting our services to the public, maintaining our website, processing tip information received, training, and equipment and supplies.  The remaining expenditures were spent on management and general (i.e. overhead) and fundraising.  Management and general include tax return preparation, legal, insurance, license & fees, and maintaining our PO box.  Fundraising activities are necessary to help pay for our operations.  We strive to manage our funds wisely and prudently.

We file annual tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service, and operate on a fiscal year ending on June 30.  The following are our tax returns from past years.




Form W-9

The following Form W-9 certifies our taxpayer identification number, for federal tax purposes.
